阿里地區(藏語拼音:Ngari Sanai,威利:mnga' ris sa gnas),是中華人民共和國西藏自治區的一個地級行政區。元朝稱納里,明朝稱俄力思。位于青藏高原北部——羌塘高原核心地帶,是中國西藏自治區的一個地 區級行政區劃,世界上人口密度最小的地區之一,擁有獨特的高原自然風貌。地理坐標為東經78°23′40″~86°11′51″,北緯29°40′40″ ~35°42′55″。地域面積約30.4萬平方公里。截至2010年,全地區總人口95803人。地區行政公署駐噶爾縣獅泉河鎮。阿里是喜馬拉雅山脈、 岡底斯山脈等山脈相聚的地方,被稱之為“萬山之祖”。
Ali area (Tibetan Pinyin: Ngari Sanai, Willie: mnga'RIS SA Gnas) is the
Tibet Autonomous Region of the people's Republic of China a prefecture
level administrative region. The Yuan Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty said
Elisi Na said. Is located in the northern part of the Tibetan Plateau,
the core area of the Qiang Tang plateau, is a regional administrative
division of Tibet autonomous region of China, one of the lowest
population density in the world, has a unique natural style of the
plateau. The geographical coordinates of longitude 78 degrees to 86
degrees 23 '40 "11' 51", latitude 29 degrees 40 '40 "~ 35 degrees 42'
55". Area of about. As of 2010, the total population of 95803 people in
the whole region. Area administrative office in Junggar County
shiquanhetown. Ali is gathered in Himalaya mountains, and Gangdise
mountains mountains, known as "wanshanzhi progenitor".