海螺溝位于四川省瀘定縣磨西鎮,貢嘎山東坡,是青藏高原東緣的極高山地。海螺溝位于貢嘎雪峰腳下,以低海拔現代冰川著稱于世。晶瑩的現代冰川從高峻的山谷 鋪瀉而下;巨大的冰洞、險峻的冰橋,使人如入神話中的水晶宮。特別是舉世無雙的大冰瀑布,高達1000多米,寬約1100米,比著名的黃果樹瀑布大出十余 倍,瑰麗非凡。海螺溝是亞洲最東低海拔現代冰川發現地,海拔2850米。其大冰瀑布高1080米,寬0.5米-1100米,是中國至今發現的最高大冰瀑 布。溝內蘊藏有大流量沸熱溫冷礦泉。
Hailuogou is located in Luding County, Sichuan Province, West Town,
Shandong Gongga slope, is the high mountain of the eastern edge of the
Qinghai Tibet plateau. Hailuogou is located at the foot of Gongga
Xuefeng, with modern glacier low altitude is famous in the world.
Crystal of modern glaciers from the high and steep valley diarrhea shop
down; a huge cave, the steep ice bridge, make the person in the myth of
the Crystal Palace. In particular, unique in the world of big ice falls,
up to more than 1000 meters, about 1100 meters wide, than the famous
Huangguoshu waterfall in a more than ten times, magnificent and
extraordinary. Hailuogou is Asia's most Eastern low altitude modern
glaciers found, 2850 meters above sea level. The large ice falls 1080
meters high, 0.5 meters wide 1100 meters, is China has found the highest
waterfall ice. The trench contains a large flow of warm and cold hot
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¥660起 海螺溝清涼避暑五日游,海螺溝冰川,四川海螺溝溫泉旅游
- ¥638起 【成都到康定旅游康定情歌風景區三日游】5A海螺溝康定木格措景區純玩三日
- ¥480起 【四川海螺溝瀘定橋兩日游】5A海螺溝千年冰川戀天然溫泉浴純玩2日游
- ¥1880起 成都到色達措卡湖稻城亞丁海螺溝純玩12人小包團9日游
- ¥580起 【成都周邊游真純玩0自費】5A海螺溝、紅石公園、溫泉二日游
- ¥680起 【22℃的夏天純玩】圣潔海螺溝,瀘定橋清涼避暑5日游
- ¥1380起 【特惠升級版】成都到稻城亞丁海螺溝雙汽車7日游,汽車進出不漏任何風景,汽車進海拔逐漸上升,減少高原反應
- ¥5680起 【熱銷線】越野拼車A線:川藏南線-海螺溝+稻城亞丁10日游
- 暫無
成都青年旅行社發表于10-23 09:36四川海螺溝旅游攻略:成都到海螺溝溫泉冰川二/三日游。從海螺溝大門進入海螺溝三號營地,景區路彎道比較多,暈車的游客要注意帶上暈車帖和暈車藥。我是不暈車的,我坐到了側座,不是正對前面的,車子一搖一晃的,把我都搖到過道上幾次。路上全是盤山路,有1小時的車程。海拔高... -
- 2491
- 8
- 216
- 2天,2016-10,¥