木格措(全名:康定情歌(木格措)風景區),坐落于貢嘎山脈中段,距離康定市區約17公里,系國家AAAA級旅游景區、世界自然遺產提名地、國家級重點風 景名勝區。景區面積約350平方公里,由杜鵑峽、芳草坪、七色海、藥池沸泉、木格措(野人海)和紅海草原六個景點組成,附近有其他多個高山湖泊和溫泉,原 始森林、草原和雪山景觀互相交融。
木格措漢語名野人海,又名大海子,是川西北最大的高山湖泊之一。 海拔3700余米,水域近四平方公里,水深逾70米。景區除森林草原外,主要由紅海、白海、黑海及三十多個無名海組成,是一處觀賞雪山、草原、原始森林、杜鵑花和藏族牧民風情的風景民俗游覽觀光區。
MUGECUO (full name: Kangding Love Song (MUGECUO) scenic area, located in
the Gongga mountains in the middle, about 17 km from Kangding City,
Department of state AAAA class tourist attractions, the world heritage
nomination, state-level key scenic spots. Scenic area of about 350
square kilometers, consisting of Rhododendron gap, grass flat, rainbow
sea, medicine pool boiling springs, MUGECUO (savage sea) and the Red Sea
steppe six spots, near a number of other alpine lakes and springs,
forests, grasslands and mountain landscapes blend with each other.